Strategic Approach on Integrating Quality Management Principles into University Educational Processes


Aurel Mihail Ț ȚU 1,2, *, Doina BANCIU 2, Alina Bianca POP 3, Constantin OPREAN 4,2

1 Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, 10 Victoriei Street, 550024, Sibiu, Romania; ORCID iDORCID No. 0000-0002-0054-6535; (corresponding author)

2 Academy of Romanian Scientists, 3 Ilfov Street, 050094 Bucharest, Romania,

3 Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 62A Victor Babes Street, 430083, Baia Mare, Maramureş, Romania; ORCID iDORCID No. 0000-0002-4784-8485;

4 Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, 10 Victoriei Street, 550024, Sibiu, Romania; ORCID iDORCID No. 0000-0002-1710-0660;


Received: July 28, 2024

Revised: September 20, 2024

Accepted: October 31, 2024

Published: December 16, 2024



Abstract: This paper explores in depth the strategic integration of quality management in universities, with a focus on its multidimensional impact on operational efficiency, adaptability to changes in the external environment and on the quality of education offered. Through a rigorous analysis of the literature and existing practices in Romanian universities, the research aims to identify and critically evaluate effective methods of implementing quality management principles, to examine in detail their impact on the student experience, both in terms of satisfaction and academic outcomes, and to formulate concrete and actionable recommendations for optimizing educational processes. The research results demonstrate that a strategic approach to quality management, which integrates quality principles and tools into all aspects of university activity, can lead to significant improvements in the quality of education, measured by indicators such as student success rates, student satisfaction with teaching, learning and support services, and external recognition and appreciation of the institution. Furthermore, the study highlights that quality management can enhance the ability of universities to adapt to rapid changes in the economic, social, and technological environment by developing an organizational culture based on continuous learning, innovation, and customer orientation. In conclusion, this paper emphasizes the strategic importance of quality management in higher education, arguing that it is not only a tool to ensure compliance with standards, but also a catalyst for change and continuous improvement. By providing a critical perspective on the challenges and opportunities related to the implementation of quality management in universities, as well as by formulating practical recommendations, the study contributes to the development of a sound conceptual and methodological framework for the optimization of higher education in Romania.


Keywords: Quality management, Educational processes, Strategic approach, Higher education, Academic efficiency.





Abstract Article Volume 1 No 2 2024             





How to cite

Ț țu, A.M., Banciu, D., Pop, A.B., Oprean, C. (2024). Strategic Approach on Integrating Quality Management Principles into University Educational Processes. Journal of Knowledge Dynamics, Vol. 1, No. 2, p54-65. ISSN ONLINE 3061-2640